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Pick up your order from the warehouse closest to you or directly from the CZE'M factory.

Export of Products

Export of CZE'M products to the countries of the Customs Union with a 0% VAT, as well as to other countries worldwide.

All CZE'M products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant CZE'M: gate valves, shut-off valves, check valves, safety valves, control valves, throttle valves, steam coolers, injectors, reduction and cooling units
  • The device is pulsed-pre. CD CZE'M
    The device is pulsed-pre. CD
    IPU CD , etc.
  • Bellows valves CZE'M
    Bellows valves
    1541-80-E and others.
  • The device is pulsed-preohr. CZE'M
    The device is pulsed-preohr.
    IPU PG, etc.
  • Steam reinforcement unit CZE'M
    Steam reinforcement unit
    1058-600-0 , etc .
  • Column electric drives CZE'M
    Column electric drives
    822-CE-0, etc.
  • Installations are reductively cooled. CZE'M
    Installations are reductively cooled.
    ROWE 20 et al .
  • Gate valves CZE'M
    Gate valves
    1511-80-MB, etc.
  • Shut-off valves CZE'M
    Shut-off valves
    1213-6-0, etc .
  • Check valves CZE'M
    Check valves
    720-20-0A, etc.
  • Injectors CZE'M
    1100-20-F, etc.
  • Steam Coolers CZE'M
    Steam Coolers
    827-175/175-OP, etc.
  • Throttle devices CZE'M
    Throttle devices
    863-150/350-W, etc.
  • Shut-off and throttle valves. CZE'M
    Shut-off and throttle valves.
    950-150/250-E, etc.
  • The main valves will protect. CZE'M
    The main valves will protect.
    1203-125/175-0, etc.
  • Pulse valves CZE'M
    Pulse valves
    586-20-EM-01, etc.
  • It will protect the valves. DN 400/600 CZE'M
    It will protect the valves. DN 400/600
    788-400/600-0, etc.
  • It will protect the valves. DN 20/80 CZE'M
    It will protect the valves. DN 20/80
    1392-20/80-0, etc.
  • Control valves CZE'M
    Control valves
    584-10-0 , etc .
  • Throttle valves CZE'M
    Throttle valves
    993-100-EM et al.


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